COP Comparison between Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump VS Traditional On/Off heat pump
(in 180 days swimming season,e.g.12.5kW at Air 26°C/ Water 26°C/ Humidity 80%)

COP comparison between Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump vs ON/OFF HP

Electric consumption(kW.h) Comparison between Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump VS Traditional On/Off heat pump
(in 180 days swimming season,e.g. 12.5kW at Air 26°C/ Water 26°C/ Humidity 80%)

Electric consumption(kW.h) Comparison between Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump VS Traditional On/Off HP

• 7 Times Quieter (Air 26℃/ Water 26℃/ Humidity 80%)
Thanks to quiet DC-inverter compressor, low-speed running philosophy of compressor & fan motor, Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump can offer you super quiet operation by 7dB(A) lower sound pressure at AVERAGE 50% capacity.
it is 7 Times Quieter by using Comfortline Inverter pool heat pump

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